Most parents don’t have an unlimited budget for their child’s party. Fair enough. There are a few basics that every party needs and some thing’s you can take or leave, depending on your budget and your child’s preferences.

Read on for our recommendations for party MUST HAVES and some money saving tips that you can easily implement for your kids parties on a budget!

Here are the basics:

If your party doesn’t have these…is it even a party, yo?

  • Cake – obviously!
  • Food & Drink
  • Gift/s for the birthday child
  • Entertainment/Activities…. the kid’s will need something to do!
  • An Invitation of some sort (can be digital or paper) so people know the who, what, when, where and why.

Things you shouldn’t scrimp on:

The MUST HAVES. Saving money is great, but, set yourself up for a successful party and consider THIS one thing…

  • Hiring an Entertainer – Maybe, you’re not 100% confident with entertaining a group of kids or are feeling a bit overwhelmed about what you should do with them. Maybe, you don’t have spare hours to spend planning activities that are age appropriate and are worried the things you choose won’t be appealing to your guests. Just invite an entertainer to do it all for you! A great entertainer will hit the ground running as soon as they enter your party and engage your guests for a good chunk of time and use their knowledge and experience to ensure the activities are suitable for your guests. The kids will have sooo much fun and your party will be structured and organised. You will be free to concentrate on other aspects of your party, such as prepping food, chatting with your adult guests and watching the fun unfold. Read this blog about finding the right entertainer for your child’s party.

Tips to save money:

Hold your pennies tight when considering these aspects of your child’s party! If it’s really important to you, go splurge; you and your child deserve it. But if you’re looking to throw your kids parties on a budget, below are the key places to do so.

  • Plan your party for when your guests expect snacks, not a full meal. Less food = less expense.
  • Save money on invitations by using free invites online, homemade, a Facebook event or an e-invite service.
  • Invite less people. Be up front with your child about how many guests you can have at your party before they start thinking about their guest list. Less guests = less expense.
  • Throw a double party with a sibling or friend who has a close birthday, to share the cost.
  • Make a homemade cake, or purchase a naked cake and dress it up yourself with coloured icing, chocolates and lollies.
  • Keep the decorations simple and use a few key pieces to really drive home your theme. Pick one space to decorate. Don’t feel like you need to decorate the whole house or venue.
  • Hold the party at home or in a park to save on venue costs.
  • DIY is your best friend.

Take a look at our dance entertainment party packages if you feel like entertainment is the MUST HAVE you won’t be scrimping on for your child’s party. Click on your location: kids parties in Brisbane kids parties on the Gold Coast


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