‘Stay and Mingle’ or ‘Drop and Go’ Kid’s Parties

There comes a certain age when parents start to feel comfortable about leaving their children at a party by themselves. Should you invite your parent guests to stay? Should you just have kids at the party? Follow these kids party invitation rules to help you decide. Usually around 7 years of age, is the age most parents feel good about a ‘drop and go’ party. If the parent knows you well and your children have Read more…

How To: Fun Kids Party Activities

If you are like most mum’s and dad’s, you would prefer to be prepared when it comes to having a substantial group of children in your home. Here are some fun kids party activities for you. You want your guests to be occupied at all times, a) so they have a great and memorable time, b) so they stay in your designated “party area” and don’t run WILD around your house or venue and c)  even Read more…